Re: New Project and a few Questions

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Thu Oct 13 1994 - 06:46:08 PDT

[Marc Papen <> writes:]

>After playing around with VSTa, I decided to add something myself.
>I'm in the process of writing a server for the Mitsumi CD-ROM drives.

Is this CDROM a non-SCSI drive? I assume you know about Mike Larson's work.

>I can't get longer compiles to work with the new version(1.32). I have canged
>the the group
>to 0 (sys.sys) on my account but this only helped a little bit.

When it dies, do a:
(you'll get the kernel debugger prompt)
dv freemem

If this value is 0, then you're running out of memory.

>... as i can't work on the server very well if the system locks u
>p every few compiles?

How much are you compiling at a shot, which directory, and how much RAM does
your system have?

The kernel debugger also has the "memleak" command, which reports how much
of what sorts of memory have been used since the last time it ran. You
might use this to see if you can characterize where the memory's going.

BTW, we do know of one voracious RAM eater--building the shared version of
libc. A file is created in /tmp for each entry in the library, but /tmp
uses 8K blocks for its RAM-based filesystem. The result is that it uses an
amazing amount of RAM. You can fix this by changing the blocksize of tmpfs
to something more modest--1K, for instance.

Or, avoid rebuilding the entire libc when possible. Or, umount /tmp, make a
/tmp in your DOS filesystem, and use a DOS directory for temp storage. This
slows compiles noticably, in my experience.

Received on Thu Oct 13 05:32:32 1994

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