Running ka9q against Linux

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Mon Oct 10 1994 - 15:13:37 PDT

Hi All,

If anyone's managed to get Linux to handle telnet sessions from VSTa
properly can you let me know what I need to do. I have a strong suspicion
that the Linux IP stack's a little broken at the moment (based on a note
from the Linux NET mailing list). FWIW I've tried Linux kernels 1.1.11,
1.1.41 and 1.1.52 (the latter two with or without the PC/TCP config). I've
also tried two different types of PC and two types of NE2000 card (one of
which is a genuine Novell/Eagle NE2000), but I still find that the telnet
connection absolutely crawls.

Received on Mon Oct 10 20:23:40 1994

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