Re: More boot problems: Can't open /vsta/etc/inittab

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Sep 27 1994 - 16:26:56 PDT

[ writes:]

>The init program is unable to open /vsta/etc/inittab. It's there.... as c:/vs

Hmmm... something funny here. Can you provide your inittab?

>Grep & I have looked throught the archives and have found no evidence
>of this ever happening before. The connect just before the call to read_initt
>ab (in init)
>goes fine, then the open() inittab fails... and whatever testsh is, it never s
>hows up.

I'm puzzled. Usually you don't have init *and* testsh launching from
boot.lst. It would work after a fashion, though.

Anyway, you're saying that init successfully connected to fs/root (which is
the connect right before the call to read_inittab()), which means your DOS
filesystem is on-line. Is there any chance that the filesystem it's opening
is the right one? Do you have more than one DOS filesystem around?

Received on Tue Sep 27 15:15:30 1994

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