More boot problems: Can't open /vsta/etc/inittab

From: <>
Date: Tue Sep 27 1994 - 15:38:00 PDT

I used cons -mono with good effect... I now get two syslog messages before
death :)

The init program is unable to open /vsta/etc/inittab. It's there.... as c:/vsta/etc/inittab
Grep & I have looked throught the archives and have found no evidence
of this ever happening before. The connect just before the call to read_inittab (in init)
goes fine, then the open() inittab fails... and whatever testsh is, it never shows up.
The system just hangs and the reset button must be pushed.

Thanks for the ongoing help...

Received on Tue Sep 27 14:28:48 1994

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