Re: VSTa won't boot past the 'Launch at 0x1020' line

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 15:18:39 PDT


Andrew Valencia wrote:
> [ writes:]
> > Ahhhhh.... VSTa assumes I have a slightly smarter display, eh?
> >Well, I can either buy a new card or try to write a server that works with dod
> >o-mono.
> No, we support mono. You just have to provide the switch to the console
> server, as I recollect. I think it's the -mono argument to cons in your
> boot/boot.lst file.

Should do the trick - to force colour usage -colour or -color work :-)

FWIW I'd be surprised if there's been a mono card manufactured since the
days of the original XTs that doesn't support Hercules 720x348 mono
graphics. When bitblt's released it will support this resolution.

> >Is there a freely available tool I can use to check memory on
> >the DOS beast to see where it's putting the screen stuff? Also, can
> >anyone suggest a book for finding out where DOS keeps such goodies
> >as the screen map (assuming it's mapped, that is!).
> I have my IBM-PC/XT hardware reference manual. Some newfangled weirdos have
> an AT hardware reference manual, but it's multiple volumes, so clearly is
> padded with "this page intentionally left blank" stuff. :-)

The AT tech reference is good, but showing its age these days. The one I
got the other day which really impressed me was one called "The Undocumented
PC - A Programmer's Guide To I/O, CPUs And Fixed Memory Areas" by Frank Van
Gilluwe. It costs $45 (US) (or 36 quid in the UK - someone's exchange
conversion isn't too clever :-(). Even after 4 years designing and spec'ing
PCs I found things I'd never come across before :-)

Received on Mon Sep 26 14:21:19 1994

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