Re: deref_port: messages

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 06:57:59 PDT

[ (Mike A Larson) writes:]

>> Assertion failed line 75 file ../kern/msgcon.c
>> deref_port: messages

Yes, I finally hunted this down when one of my laptops started doing it
sporadically. It's an M_ISR message which pops up between the time the
first client tries to connect and when it is disconnected because the driver
isn't ready for clients (he's reading the partition table). When the kernel
throws out the last client, he notices that there are no more clients, and
asserts that the message queue should be empty. Of course, interrupt
messages can/should still arrive, so I changed the assert to be a little
more sophisticated.

As a workaround, you can just comment out that assertion.

Received on Mon Sep 26 05:46:00 1994

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