some problems i have....

From: yhcrana <>
Date: Mon Aug 22 1994 - 09:27:42 PDT


i have been watching here for soo long, and finnaly have a machine to play
with. here are some things i have found to be problems..

1) no example 'etc/groups' file was included (mine was empty) and i think
that is the culprit of my next problem

2) if i log in with gid = 0 all is fine, but if gid = 1, i can not execute
the profile (or is it rc?) and my PATH,TERM, atc are all empty. ANNOYING!

3) file redirection appears to not work propperly? is is supposed to?
anyway, i tried 2 things which failed differently
'cat > ttyinput.txt'
never lets me leave, ie. ignores ^d
'ls | less'
just hangs, with (i think) less just waiting for the input..

4) nothing recognizes teh arrow keys...yes i can use ^n,^p etc, but arrows
are nice...(ie i'm lazy) i looked at the cons driver (i am assumin we now
use cons2, as cons has no keyboard hooks...) and it appears to map 1-1, is
there a way to catch esc codes. or (i jsut thought of this) does it map scan
codes? that could me easier to map..(for a reson i plan to get into next)

5) the machine i am using now has a faulty esc key, making emacs frustrating
as all hell. (try scrolling back when every other esc-v => v...) is it
possible to map (alt) to (meta)? i am not sure how this info is dealt with
in unix, but it would make a great deal of sense...IMHO

6) the HD has 2 partitions, how do i mount a 2nd partition? i can get dos
to work, but how do i make it appear in my file space?

7) is it possible to make /vsta be root, rather than / ? (thus i don's have
such a mess in my root...the boot partition is 200meg and has plenty of dos
stuff also..)

8) what is the status of VstaFS and MADO? is VstaFS reliable?

9) is there a way for a process to tell a directory from a file...(at
presetn you can 'ls file.txt' and get a text dump of the file. not bad
unless you want to allow 'ls -l file.txt' to give info on only file.txt...)

i think that is enough questions for now, though i have more at home, but i
forgot what i need is a portable computer to carry al this vital
info at all times, so i can never escape.

thanx and great work to all you who have helped out so far.

    You should fear any bureaucratic entity that claims to work for you.
 derek denny-brown (yhcrana)
    chief engineer, WRUR
Received on Mon Aug 22 08:21:35 1994

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