Re: some problems i have....

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Aug 22 1994 - 09:47:14 PDT

[yhcrana <> writes:]

>1) no example 'etc/groups' file was included (mine was empty) and i think
>that is the culprit of my next problem

You mean /vsta/etc/group? From the tar file:

rw-rw-rw- 0/0 34 Apr 13 14:00 1993 etc/group

So it isn't zero-length in the distribution.

>2) if i log in with gid = 0 all is fine, but if gid = 1, i can not execute
>the profile (or is it rc?) and my PATH,TERM, atc are all empty. ANNOYING!

Which account, which shell? Also, some things require sys.sys access to
write, so not being in the group might cause you headaches.

>3) file redirection appears to not work propperly? is is supposed to?
>anyway, i tried 2 things which failed differently
>'cat > ttyinput.txt'
>never lets me leave, ie. ignores ^d

Hmmm, is c_cc[VEOF] handling missing from the TTY code? Yup, looks that way
to me. :-( See /vsta/libc/tty.c, feel free to add it, otherwise I'll do it
sometime soon.

>'ls | less'
>just hangs, with (i think) less just waiting for the input..

I think this is because currently there's nothing mounted as /dev/tty, which
is where less would like to open() and read from when stdin is a file. I
was hoping MADO would have covered this, but for now it's a pain. As a
workaround, you can mount your current TTY there as an alias, which might
satisfy less.

>4) nothing recognizes teh arrow keys...yes i can use ^n,^p etc, but arrows
>are nice...(ie i'm lazy) i looked at the cons driver (i am assumin we now
>use cons2, as cons has no keyboard hooks...) and it appears to map 1-1, is
>there a way to catch esc codes. or (i jsut thought of this) does it map scan
>codes? that could me easier to map..(for a reson i plan to get into next)

Which version do you have? It's all a blur to me. srv/mach/cons2 certainly
has escape key mapping, at least in my version. See isr.c. If you don't
have it, it might be one of those new things for v1.4.

>5) the machine i am using now has a faulty esc key, making emacs frustrating
>as all hell. (try scrolling back when every other esc-v => v...) is it
>possible to map (alt) to (meta)? i am not sure how this info is dealt with
>in unix, but it would make a great deal of sense...IMHO

I think we don't want to do this in the keyboard driver, but rather in the
windowing system. Of course, for now, you can hack it in isr.c!

>6) the HD has 2 partitions, how do i mount a 2nd partition? i can get dos
>to work, but how do i make it appear in my file space?

Mount disk/wd in, say, /dev/wd. Now chdir to /dev/wd and ls. You should
see all the partitions the driver found. See the mailing list archives for
how to fire up a filesystem server.

>7) is it possible to make /vsta be root, rather than / ? (thus i don's have
>such a mess in my root...the boot partition is 200meg and has plenty of dos
>stuff also..)

Well, the root path is coded in a couple places. It used to be /vsta, but
it just made it a pain to access your VSTa stuff, because it all lives in
the vsta subdir, so everything was /vsta/vsta/bin/....

>8) what is the status of VstaFS and MADO? is VstaFS reliable?

Of course it is! :-) Seriously, it works well enough for basic stuff, but
it needs some serious tuning. Also, the fsck needs to know more about
repairing damage, especially lost blocks.

>9) is there a way for a process to tell a directory from a file...(at
>presetn you can 'ls file.txt' and get a text dump of the file. not bad
>unless you want to allow 'ls -l file.txt' to give info on only file.txt...)

Yes, that needs fixing. "ls" just needs to check the "type=" field from the
FS_STAT. It also needs to sort its output.

Additionally, Dave ported GNU ls. But, of course, it doesn't understand the
extended protection information.

On another note, I have all of KA9Q compiling, and am hacking my way through
the undefined symbols. My plan for distributed source access is to export a
filesystem under VSTa, and let folks use RCS. So... the distributed aspects
of VSTa are imminent.

Received on Mon Aug 22 08:41:01 1994

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