CVS (Re: sparc port)

From: Erick Herring <>
Date: Wed Jul 20 1994 - 06:46:31 PDT

> > Anyway, thoughts are welcome. Ultimately, the box would (of course) run
> > VSTa! Hmmm, reminds me, I need to finish that dratted RCS port....

I also think that making a reference site would be great for all.

> A lot of people seem to mention CVS (an extension to RCS if I understand
> this correctly) - can anyone give me a rundown on the major
> differences/advantages?

CVS is a versioning system which does, as you say, use RCS as its
"librarian". The Big Idea (tm) is that one checks out an entire
version of a package and works on that. Afterwards, the entire
package is checked in again. The merge is really good, and manual
intervention is a rarity.

The benefits are that two developers can work on the same file at the
same time. The disadvantages are that it requires diskspace linear to
the number of developers and that it is pretty inflexible (IMO) as
regards the addition and deletion of files after one has made a
"version" ( a version, in this case, is a branch on the CVS source

Anyway, I hope that that wasn't too incoherent. More on request.

Erick Herring | Computation is the art of carefully throwing
H Data, Aalborg | away information [and] Life is the art of
UNIX Consulting | carefully throwing away opportunities, an
SysAdmin & Programming | interesting coincidental parallel. | - Guy L. Steele Jr.
Received on Wed Jul 20 05:47:35 1994

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