Re: sparc port

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Wed Jul 20 1994 - 01:29:36 PDT

Andrew Valencia wrote:
> On another front, I'm starting to ponder how to move the VSTa central source
> out to a machine where a core team of developers could check in source
> changes without having me as a bottleneck. I'm thinking a FreeBSD machine
> using RCS on the Internet would be the ticket. I can probably assemble
> machine, RAM, and disk. Sadly, all of cisco is behind a firewall, so I'll
> have to find another point of presence. I wonder if I could rent some space
> on a net at Cygnus' "The Little Gargen"? Alternatively, I might be able to
> park my machine on an open net at a company I've been consulting for.

This sounds a great idea - I've found it quite frustrating recently, trying
to get odd bits and pieces of code to other developers who probably don't
have the same libc and server code that I'm working with.

> Anyway, thoughts are welcome. Ultimately, the box would (of course) run
> VSTa! Hmmm, reminds me, I need to finish that dratted RCS port....

A lot of people seem to mention CVS (an extension to RCS if I understand
this correctly) - can anyone give me a rundown on the major

Received on Wed Jul 20 04:13:53 1994

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