Hardware floating point support

From: Dave Hudson <dave_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Jun 24 1994 - 08:28:29 PDT

Hi All,

Just a quick note in case someone else was thinking of adding fp support to
VSTa. I needed to use some floating point code, so I've added fp support to
the VSTa kernel, and I've just about finished adding fp extensions to libc.
I'll hopefully put together most of a libm by the next release.

There's no software emulation support yet, but it should be easy enough to
add. If no-one else does it first, I'll look at adding FPU emulation
sometime in the future (probably mid August), but getting married will
prevent me doing much more than I already have before then :-)

In order to allow people to keep VSTa small and keep context switches
slightly faster, the diffs I've sent in for the next release have the same
#ifdef as some of the current libc code. The default is not to support fp,
as GCC traps if fp instructions are executed and there's no FPU available.

Whilst I've been doing this, I've also rewritten most of doprnt() to handle
fp formats (if FLOAT_SUPPORT is defined) and added some of the previously
unimplemented formatting

FWIW, the lack of fp support in doprnt() means that the current VSTa port of
GCC 1.42 doesn't generate fp code correctly - there's nothing wrong with the
port, but it means that you can't build a version that handles fp under the
current version. I've cross compiled a new one now though.

Received on Fri Jun 24 07:46:31 1994

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