Status of the mailing list, and a plea

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Jun 20 1994 - 14:59:08 PDT


        The mailing list had a problem reaching some parts of the world for
the last 5 days or so. I believe the problem is resolved (it had to do with
how my class C was advertised to the world) and I apologize for any

        Now, a plea. When you submit a patch for something, I'd really
appreciate it if you would ONLY include one type of change for a patch.
It's needlessly hard for me to work through a patch which fiddles
indentation, moves routines around, and also adds a new feature. It's much
easier for me to get it as two or more patches, each with a very specific

Received on Mon Jun 20 14:05:55 1994

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