help on wd server

From: Masato Kataoka <>
Date: Sun May 29 1994 - 19:28:00 PDT

Hi all,

I recently got VSTa 1.31 and joined this mailing list.
Now I'm having some problems, maybe someone can help me out.

The binary boots fine on my 486. The problem is that
when I try to boot VSTa on my notebook, VST always fails,
telling "boot process 4 died".

The following is more detailed description:

type go in /vsta/boot
boot.exe reads in kernel and boot servers
syslog prints:
  syslog: info: wd0: 41.1M - 8 heads, 619 cylinders, 17 sectors
[some disk access going on]
"boot process 4 died" displayed
now I'm in kernel debugger

Trap type 255 err 0x0 eip 0x33:0x3e59
eax 0xffffffff ebx 0x3fc6 ecx 0x5 edx 0x0 esi 0x4007c4 edi 0x0
esp 0x2b:0x7fffff10 ebp 0x7fffff2c eflags 0x3246

I compiled wd server to see where it dies.
The user stack looks like this:


The only ASSERT in wd_start is:

        ASSERT((inportb(WD_PORT+WD_STATUS) & WDS_BUSY) == 0,
                "wd_start: busy");

It's strange since in wd_isr(), a check is made to make sure
the drive is not BUSY.
but I know practically nothing about disk controller things.

so I'm hoping some one can help me out of this situation.

here's my notebook spec:
  386SX 12Mhz (I know, I know, it's the slowest any 386 can get :-<
  6MB ram (80nsec)
  41MB HD (35MB for dos primary, 6MB for extended)

BTW Linux used to run fine on this poor machine.

Thanks in advance.

Masato Kataoka
Received on Sun May 29 18:40:14 1994

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