Re: SCSI/CAM status, etc.

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Sun May 29 1994 - 15:10:00 PDT

Hi Mike,

> As far as support functions go, I'm thinking about doing is this:
> at the top, write a set of functions that convert from VSTa FS_
> messages to VFS function calls, and convert the return values to
> the appropriate message replys. This code would borrow from vstafs
> and/or dosfs. At the bottom I would write a set of bio style functions.
> isofs would sit in the middle.
> The advantage of this approach is that it shouldn't require radical
> changes to isofs itself. This would make tracking changes to the
> code easier.

Sounds like a good way to get this running quickly. I guess once it's
working any performance issues can be looked at (I'm not sure if there are
any). I assume that the low level requests will be handled as message
requests from the SCSI server? It would be nice if this were the case as
someone could write a server for say a Sony or Panasonic IDE CD-ROM (as used
on lots of sound cards) and it could take the same requests.

Received on Sun May 29 14:28:08 1994

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