Re: help on wd server

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon May 30 1994 - 08:25:01 PDT

[Masato Kataoka <> writes:]


Hmmm... looks like a stray interrupt from the WD controller. You might try
turning that assert into:

        while (inportb(WD_PORT+WD_STATUS) & WDS_BUSY)

and see if that helps your system. More efficient might be:

        if (...)

which assumes that another interrupt will arrive for the true completion of
the I/O.

I have a 386sx laptop too, and yes, they aren't very fast by today's

We've also seen the occasional machine which can't do automatic head select.
You might try removing the "#define AUTO_HEAD" from wd.h before you play
around with the interrupt handling. It generally won't fail with your
symptoms, but you never know.

Received on Mon May 30 07:33:39 1994

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