VSTa status

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat May 21 1994 - 11:08:12 PDT

Hello, all.

Well, sorry for the slow-down on VSTa work, but I had to do a new router
bringup and that takes time. I also had to mentor a new employee, which
settled the issue.

Anyway, the router is up and the employee is in good shape, so I'm finally
getting some work done on VSTa!

A couple folks have complained about gcc dying on large source files. It
appears that cpp is using up all the stack, and dying on a stack growth
attempt. There are parameters for stack growth which were never
implemented--so it looks like it's time.

tmpfs has at least two bugs which I've just fixed, including one which would
cause him to die a horrible death. I also fixed the "boot process died" to
only go off when the *last* thread dies. It's normal for threads to come
and go, especially in filesystem processes.

I also have a fix for the bug where /v/... would match a /vsta/... mount
point. It isn't quite right yet, but it's close.

On another front, I started a port of ka9q to VSTa. If somebody could give
me a server for a LAN interface I can just worry about the portable code.
If not, I might bootstrap it on PPP or SLIP so I can use my RS-232 driver
without having to go back and put a LAN card driver together.

ka9q should scale much better on VSTa than it did on Linux. The use of
select() would show roughly an O(n^2) slowdown, I think I can fiddle things
around so a simple msg_receive() on a central port will catch all
events--network interface packet activity as well as clients.

Received on Sat May 21 10:20:00 1994

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