Re: Getting line numbers in native GCC error messages

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Fri May 20 1994 - 15:03:41 PDT

Chris Patti { Feoh } wrote:
> Has this been posted somewhere already? if not perhaps we should share the
> wealth?

OK, to recap for the list, the problem was why do some compiles just die and
report "no entry".

After a suggestion from Andy I found that tmpfs seems to end up busy during
large gcc runs (Invoking with gcc -v shows that the tmp file is busy).

As a temporary workaround, removing tmpfs from inittab and fstab, and
creating a /tmp directory allows things to continue (there's a performance
hit though).

I think this problem will be tracked down soon anyway :-)

Received on Fri May 20 14:28:58 1994

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