Some more patches to VSTa

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Sun May 22 1994 - 02:35:55 PDT

Hi All,

Having already generated (an albeit small) duplicate patch to someone else
on the list, I thought I'd better send out a quick note on things I've done
since 1.3.1 was released:

* Added some more string functions to libc
* Added va_args interface functions for the scanf and printf families
* Modified syslog() to use the new va_args functions
* Modified the rs232 server to handle different line settings (eg parity,
        databits, etc) and to make handshaking signals available
* Modified the mouse server to add ps/2 support and revamped the serial
        mouse code to use the rs232 server instead of using polled I/O
* Added an nvram/rtc server
* Wrote an fstab utility that lists the currently mounted ports
* Modified wd to support secondary controllers
* Added new mount/umount builtin commands to rc, ash and testsh
* Modified the stat utility to be able to stat a port as well as a file
* Added support for non blocking reads from tty in libc
* Ported gzip-1.2.4 and sed-2.05

I hope none of this duplicates anything anyone else is doing or has done.
FWIW my next targets are to add utime() and chown() functions to libc and to
port GNU tar 1.11.2

Received on Sun May 22 02:26:42 1994

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