Re: 3.5" 1.44 MByte FDD support

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Apr 06 1994 - 14:49:13 PDT

[Dave Hudson <> writes:]

>Since the syslog stuff isn't yet on a public release I thought I'd ask this
>off the list - have you added syslog support to the fd server? If not, let
>me know and I'll add it in - I'd like to try and fix the infinite loop
>problem, and make the server turn off the fdd motor when it starts (typing
>ahead under DOS, having just copied a file leaves the motor on).

No, I haven't added syslog() to it. Knock yourself out! :-) The motor used
to spin down, but I can easily believe it's broken.

I have converted to self-hosted compilation of the base OS. Seems to be
working. I have also moved things around so /vsta/{etc, lib, bin} are
constructed from the "make install" target. The servers and init are copied
into the /vsta/boot directory, and boot.lst loads the servers in that
directory instead of reaching over into the source tree. So you can really
scrozz your source and still be able to boot. Also, I won't clear these
directories when building the release, so people can run VSTa without having
to hassle over a DOS compilation environment first.

The most visible result of these changes is that what used to be in lib/ is
now built over in libc/, and bin/ has been renamed bin.src/. mkall.bat and
mkclean.bat are history; the shell script "mkall" accepts an optional target
and invokes all the appropriate makefiles in the subdirectories. So I do
"mkall" to build everything, "mkall install" to place it into the bin/,
lib/, boot/ subdirs, and "mkall clean/clobber" to clean up afterwards. By
BSD convention, "make clean" clears up object files but not resulting
libraries or executables, and "make clobber" cleans up everything but the
original source.

Received on Wed Apr 6 15:09:15 1994

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