Opinions on filesystem mount

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat Apr 02 1994 - 13:51:49 PST

When I first made up a "root" filesystem, I mounted it as /vsta, as I
figured it would be helpful to have distinct paths for VSTa stuff when
co-existing in a DOS filesystem. Of course, in practice, the prefix is only
there when running VSTa, so it would seem that all it does is add four bytes
to each path being used. Would anybody mind if I mount the "root"
filesystem in /, and thus move the standard directories to /lib, /bin, and
so forth?

/namer, /env, /pipe, /tmp, and so forth would remain where they were. This
would impact, mostly, things like standard shell paths, the location of
password files and libraries, and binaries.

On another topic entirely, if somebody has a logic analyzer hooked to a PC,
I would like to talk to you about doing some program counter sampling so I
can get a histogram of CPU usage vs. code for some common things like
message passing and context switching. Mike Larson gave me a little test
program which shows a context switch time of ~155 microseconds on my 486 PC.
This isn't great, but it really isn't that bad considering I've never gone
back and optimized the context switch paths. If somebody could point me to
hot spots it would make the task a lot easier.

Oh yes, 155 uSec is actually the time to send a message and receive back a
response, so there's some message handling code path in there as well.
Still, we use both messaging and context switching a LOT; it can't hurt to
tune it.

Received on Sat Apr 2 14:11:28 1994

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