Re: New desciple... :-)

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Mar 14 1994 - 14:10:46 PST

[Magnus Homann <> writes:]

>I've just discovered VSTa - thanks to Vijay at Plan 9 mailing list -
>and I'm trying to install it. The docs are a little brief,
>though... :-)

I'm starting to write man pages for the kernel interfaces. This'll show
up in the next release, which should be out in a couple weeks. It'll be
a bit longer before I get around to writing the user guide.

>I took a PC and unpacked in the root. Did the same with
> Of course gcc, tar, make was also copied. After
>preceeding with the instructions in stand.README, I got an error when
>doing 'run ls -l'.

Use "cd" and "ls" (not "run ls"). If you don't see files, then the "run"
command will not ever succeed. "cd" and "ls" are built into the standalone
shell, which is what you run from the standalone configuration. You have to
manually mount your DOS filesystem before you can see it--I think that's in
the standalone instructions. Tell me more about what you see. Also spell
out exactly what commands you used.

>I would say that the main problem is that I don't know what to expect!
>But if you take the best from Plan 9 and QNX, it can't be THAT bad...
>:-). I have previously tried Plan 9, but it required to many machines
>(said my sysop, anyway), so I was forced to remove it again. To run
>VSTa on *one* PC would be heaven.

Well, it's a "diamond in the rough" at this point (I hope!). The standalone
environment is basically just there so you can tickle your hardware and
look around a bit. The full install might go smoother, since it's been
exercised more often.

>I'll try to subscribe via vsta-request. If that's wrong someone please
>add me?

I saw you get added a minute ago.

Received on Mon Mar 14 14:34:00 1994

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