New desciple... :-)

From: Magnus Homann <>
Date: Mon Mar 14 1994 - 13:57:23 PST


I've just discovered VSTa - thanks to Vijay at Plan 9 mailing list -
and I'm trying to install it. The docs are a little brief,
though... :-)

I took a PC and unpacked in the root. Did the same with Of course gcc, tar, make was also copied. After
preceeding with the instructions in stand.README, I got an error when
doing 'run ls -l'.

I would say that the main problem is that I don't know what to expect!
But if you take the best from Plan 9 and QNX, it can't be THAT bad...
:-). I have previously tried Plan 9, but it required to many machines
(said my sysop, anyway), so I was forced to remove it again. To run
VSTa on *one* PC would be heaven.

I'll try to subscribe via vsta-request. If that's wrong someone please
add me?

Thankful for any help!

(Done any climbing lately, Rob? :-)


   Magnus Homann  Email:
                  URL  :
  The Climbing Archive!:
Received on Mon Mar 14 14:23:35 1994

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