Re: Bounced E-mail

From: Rob Savoye <>
Date: Fri Jan 07 1994 - 10:25:52 PST

> > Well I've just got the code to do exactly this working. It requires the
> > Linux as86/ld86 pair to build the bootsector and setup code and currently
> > uses a couple of utilities under Linux to make a loadable image. The code I
> > have is as follows:

  The LD patch I made is all you need to develop VSTa hosted applications
under Linux, I just use the native cc (gcc really) to produce an object, then
linking it with i386-vsta-ld sets everything right.

> > If you're interested I can mail the code to you.

  I'll try to incorporate any of these changes back into the mainstream GNU
sources. As of now, I've got a full VSTa specific cross tool chain built.
(gcc, gas, ld, all binutils). I'm working on libc now.

        - rob -
Received on Fri Jan 7 10:33:51 1994

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