(no subject)

From: David Eagle USG <eagle_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Jan 07 1994 - 10:51:54 PST

Roughly, "uid" is the login name--if the user is
local. In a clustered configuration, I don't know yet how I'll map
UIDs. I may just map all remote UIDs to a single UID like "net" by


... Please don't do this. I have strong feelings about individuals
owning their own personal computers, including all the information
such as uids on their local system. I have a more detailed writeup
of an alternate userID mapping strategy at home that will take me
a few days to get to you (I have to go home. I have to find it on
my home PC. I have to log onto a local BBS with network connections.
I have to mail the paper to myself at work. I have to go to work.
I have to send it to you.)

  But at least the approach you describe is not as bad as trying to
map remote user IDs to the SAME local user ID, which introduces all
kinds of contradictions, and also assumes that the local password
files are subordinate to the 'global' password/userID file. Which
of course leads to such security holes as "broadcasting the master
password file to all attached nodes" each night to keep everyone
in sync. Yuck!
Received on Fri Jan 7 11:04:09 1994

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