(no subject)

From: David Eagle USG <eagle_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Dec 15 1993 - 13:33:53 PST

I was just added to the mailing list yesterday and get the VSTa files
by anonymous ftp. I unzipped/untarred them on a UNIX machine and
looked over everything. However, I did not see the most important
part - the Detailed Design Specification. I also did not see any
Programmer's Guide describing the system calls available under VSTa.

Where can these documents be ftp'd from? Please don't tell me
"VSTa is yet another UNIX clone" and supports all the UNIX system
calls (fork, exec, read, write, etc.).

I was looking for a completely new operating system - one that did
not care about backwards compatibility. Is this not what VSTa is?
Received on Wed Dec 15 13:50:24 1993

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