
From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Dec 15 1993 - 16:54:50 PST

[David Eagle USG <eagle@zk3.dec.com> writes:]

>.... However, I did not see the most important
>part - the Detailed Design Specification. I also did not see any
>Programmer's Guide describing the system calls available under VSTa.
>I was looking for a completely new operating system - one that did
>not care about backwards compatibility. Is this not what VSTa is?

Yes, and because of this, VSTa is run as an experimental platform. If
we decided everything up front, and then coded to our specification,
it would be a lot harder to really push the limits. Consider VSTa a
prototype, with the hope on my part that much of the prototype code will
be a part of the final system.

Because of this, there is no design specification. Neither is there a
programmer's guide. Yet. Things are settling down quite a bit, so perhaps
the time will soon come where I bang out documentation for each part of
the system, and each interface to the microkernel.

As always, I would also welcome help in creating such things! If you
code-read the system, you should find it consistently commented. If
something is elusive, please ask. Adding and fixing comments is just as
valid an activity as adding/fixing code.

Received on Wed Dec 15 17:04:42 1993

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