Re: Performance

From: James Northrup <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 10:36:25 PST

<late to the punch here>

a couple of years ago I had tried my own subjective speed test
against a linux 2.0.x system on a Cyrix 233w/128 megs, VSTA on
vstafs, and the hurd.

A couple of years before that I performed the same subjective speed
test on vsta vs. a linux 1.2 system, using a dx2-66 w/16 megs.

My benchmark in both occasions was tarring+gzipping and building
various gnu utils packages as the libc would permit.

Subjectively, the vsta+vstafs vs the linux 1.2 was astonishing on
the side of vsta. I had guessed a margin of around 33% faster
either by the vsta simplified include paths and/or the shared page
behavior that was not quite dialed into Linux at the time.

gzip throughput seemed noticably faster on vsta; however disc
commit operations under vsta were noticably less optimized.

the 2.0 test vs its contemporary vsta was certainly a closer match
but I just happened to love the immediate "feel" of the vsta shell
and its response characteristics.

I recall nothing noteworthy regarding the hurd in my second round
of experimenting.

--- Sandro Magi <> wrote:
> >Quite to the contrary, this happens "once in a while" Linux as
> well ..
> >though
> >not very often all in all. It's still can occure and it's still
> fairly
> >harmless.
> Well, it's completely reproducible with the same archive. So it's
> not 'once
> in awhile' if it's reproducible. I'll grant that it happens under
> Linux as
> well, but my concern was the frequency with which it was ocurring
> under
> VSTa.
> Broken pipes were appearing in many places as I'd mentioned(ie.
> when
> compiling, untarring and gunzipping, etc.), so I thought it might
> be a
> problem. But if it's harmless, as some of you have said, then
> I'll leave it
> at that. I'm still wondering where they're all coming from
> though...
> Thanks for your help. :-)
> Sincerely,
> Sandro
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