[major@chaoticdreams.org writes:]
>You can simulate this aspect under Linux to some extent by setting the +S
>*attribute* on a directory, not to be confused with the +s *mode* on
>See lsattr(1), chattr(1)
There might even be a mount option (-o sync in the BSD world is pretty
>> I'm not sure since I don't know what the last file was. I'll try creating my
>> own tarred, gzipped files and see what happens. The curious thing is, it
>> only happens sometimes. If, as the previous person mentioned, it's because
>> of an EOF on the pipe, then it would happen for every pipe, but it doesn't.
>> It just happens on the larger archives. I'll do a little more testing.
>Quite to the contrary, this happens "once in a while" Linux as well .. though
>not very often all in all. It's still can occure and it's still fairly
Good to know it's not just cranky microkernels which run into such things! :->
Andy Valencia
Received on Mon Dec 25 13:51:21 2000
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