Re: console problem

From: Ondrej Martinek <>
Date: Mon Jun 29 1998 - 08:15:06 PDT

On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, Andy Valencia wrote:


> [Ondrej Martinek <> writes:]
> >hi all,
> >
> >i'm intertested in OS architectures and i like some nice features of
> >Vsta.
> >
> >i have installed Vsta on poor 486sx 25mhz 4mb with dos on the same
> >partition. unfortunately, keypad control arrows don't work with both
> >"cons2" and "cons3". please don't laught! ;) it's very
> >unconvenient for me and blocks me to work more with Vsta.
> I believe cons2 generates ANSI standard output from the keypad. Do you mean
> the arrows don't work from the shell? You'd need to teach the getline()
> routine how to interpret arrow keys. I'm not sure it'd be worth it.
> >Also pressing
> >backspace ,when the input line is empty, displays its ascii char.
> >what's the problem? can you help me?
> Again, you mean while typing to the shell? Note that "del" isn't bound to
> the "backspace" function; you need to use "backspace".

 I have already fixed it and patched cons3. The actual problem is
 getline() which doesn't use TERMCAP capabilities. I changed
 cons3/isr.c:cursor_key() to enqueue different sequences (emacs like
 ones) eg.: left arrow - ^B, PgDn - ^V, Del - ^D, Home - ^A, etc...
 Also added '\a' (BELL) handling in cons3. The result works great but
 cons3 isn't real VT100 now which can raise difficulities in future.
 I guess the best way would be in implementing better getline().

> >moreover, executing "mgr" frooze the system imediately.
> Two things: did you start a mouse driver? And also you might well run out
> of memory. I'd guess 4 megs can boot VSTa and run MGR, but don't be
> surprised if a gcc within a window runs you out of RAM.

 I succeded to start MGR but it crashed the system after several seconds.
 (btw, the mouse moved very slowly)

> Andy

 Moreover, I have other questions:
 1. I want to learn cons3 to send signal (aka SIGKILL) on ^C. Is there any
  way how a server can find out the PID of it's client?
  Is it in msg.m_sender field of struct msg?

 2. Vsta sometimes stops responding me. I find out (using kernel debbuger)
  that one thread is in page_out(). Is it necessary to have swap
  installed? Can I do it the following way for instance?
       mkfs_bfs /bfs 100
       bfs /bfs fs/bfs
       swapd fs/bfs

 3. During porting some shell scripts I find strange behaviour of "sh":

   -The shell started from another shell by commnad "sh" never inherits
    the environment but running a script is ok.
     $export x=1; sh -c "echo x=\$x"
     $echo "echo x=\$x" > t

   -The script with #!/vsta/bin/sh in the first line is marked as "-sh"
    in the list of processes.
   -Strange reaction to commands with nonzero retcode.
    eg: suppose this script:
             test 1 = 0
             echo done.
        when executed it prints:
  4. I have root privileges but still can create file and change its
    access flags so that I can't access anymore. Is it alright?
    (btw, on DOS filesystem)

  5. How can I link dynamic and static libraries? What is default?

 Thanks for answering my last questions. Can I send the next ones to too? Is anyone of you, Vsta gurus, using IRC (internet
 relay chat) to talk interactivelly?

Received on Mon Jun 29 04:27:15 1998

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