Re: console problem

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Mon Jun 29 1998 - 09:51:36 PDT

[Ondrej Martinek <> writes:]

> I succeded to start MGR but it crashed the system after several seconds.
> (btw, the mouse moved very slowly)

"crashed" in what sense? Kernel panic? Hang?

> 1. I want to learn cons3 to send signal (aka SIGKILL) on ^C. Is there any
> way how a server can find out the PID of it's client?
> Is it in msg.m_sender field of struct msg?

No, see the s_pgrp field in cons2 for how to do it.

> 2. Vsta sometimes stops responding me. I find out (using kernel debbuger)
> that one thread is in page_out().

Do "dv freemem" and if it's zero, yes, you're out of memory.

>Is it necessary to have swap
> installed? Can I do it the following way for instance?
> mkfs_bfs /bfs 100
> bfs /bfs fs/bfs
> swap
> swapd fs/bfs

Swap uses raw partitions, not filesystems. So pick a free partition, and
then swap onto it. Note that this code is rarely used (because VSTa
generally fits all in RAM anyway), so you should only go down this path if
you feel ready to do kernel debugging.

> 3. During porting some shell scripts I find strange behaviour of "sh":
> -The shell started from another shell by commnad "sh" never inherits
> the environment but running a script is ok.
> eg:
> $export x=1; sh -c "echo x=\$x"

I don't believe "export var=<val>" is standard. "x=1 ; export x" may be
more reliable.

> eg: suppose this script:
> test 1 = 0
> echo done.
> when executed it prints:
> perm
> done.

Right, termination code versus errno. VSTa unifies some of this (including
signals) which can have interesting interactions.

> 4. I have root privileges but still can create file and change its
> access flags so that I can't access anymore. Is it alright?
> (btw, on DOS filesystem)

DOS does not implement VSTa privs. It merely keeps track of R/W or R/O, and
also you have to have sys.sys to write the filesystem (by default).

> 5. How can I link dynamic and static libraries? What is default?

Static is the default.

> Thanks for answering my last questions. Can I send the next ones to
> too? Is anyone of you, Vsta gurus, using IRC (internet
> relay chat) to talk interactivelly?

Personally, I do not have enough time to participate in RT. Mail lets me
schedule a little time here and there.

Received on Mon Jun 29 06:03:53 1998

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