Re: console problem

From: Robin J Bradley (3Y0) <>
Date: Mon Jun 22 1998 - 01:47:45 PDT

>i have installed Vsta on poor 486sx 25mhz 4mb with dos on the same
>partition. unfortunately, keypad control arrows don't work with both
>"cons2" and "cons3". please don't laught! ;) it's very
>unconvenient for me and blocks me to work more with Vsta.

I belive hte main problem is with the curses library which last time I looked
did not support handling ansi escape sequances. It looks like the old BSD
curses library not the newer ncurses style which will convert escape codes
into something meaningfull.

Perhaps we should update the curses library ?

Received on Sun Jun 21 22:06:59 1998

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