Re: console problem

From: Pavel Machek <>
Date: Sat Jun 20 1998 - 03:09:43 PDT


> [Ondrej Martinek <> writes:]

Hmm, greetings to Mala Strana.

> >i'm intertested in OS architectures and i like some nice features of
> >Vsta.
> >
> >i have installed Vsta on poor 486sx 25mhz 4mb with dos on the same
> >partition. unfortunately, keypad control arrows don't work with both
> >"cons2" and "cons3". please don't laught! ;) it's very
> >unconvenient for me and blocks me to work more with Vsta.

I solved this by making consoles send ^P, ^N, ^F, ^B instead of
standart ANSI bindings. Very convient.


I'm really 	   Pavel
Look at ;-).
Received on Sun Jun 21 02:24:39 1998

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