Re: Terminal Help !

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Mon May 25 1998 - 11:14:59 PDT

On Mon, May 25, 1998 at 08:43:18PM +0400, Yoda wrote:
> Question number 2:
> I can't move coursor in Emacs (but i can type text normally) - it just
> writes some strange symbols on the screen and nothing more !
> I tryed set TERM to 'nansi', 'ansi', 'vt100'... tryed install cons2
> server - all useless !

Try the "real" emacs movement characters:

control-N - next line (down)
control-P - previous line (up)
control-F - forward (right)
control-B - backwards (left)

I think that's right anyhow.

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +
Received on Mon May 25 07:25:18 1998

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