Re: Terminal Help !

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon May 25 1998 - 21:38:06 PDT

[Yoda <> writes:]

>I found interesting thing: there is no TERMCAP or TERMPATH variable are
>set intialy...
>Code from termcap.c, according to the source comments, should search
>termcap database in /etc/termcap while it in /vsta/lib/tarmcap but all
>works fine !?

See <paths.h> and _PATH_TERMCAP.

>When i untarred VSTa by WinZIP in Windoze i found huge amount of bugs...
>but when i did this normly (under FreeBSD) all bugs gone ... WinZIP
>adds \cr \nl to the end of string when it wark i guess it was main cause
>of bugs...

Right, \r\n line termination breaks the C preprocessor. I hacked the
previous port of GNU C to handle this, but that was when a DOS cross
compilation environment was fresher in my memory. For the current port of
GNU C, you need to strip the \r's off to build under GCC (this is the same
requirement any standard UNIX would impose).

Received on Mon May 25 17:52:43 1998

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