Re: Spin Lock & p_sema func ?

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Thu May 21 1998 - 16:23:08 PDT

[Yoda <> writes:]

>Can you describe me how works spin-locks when somebody take the semaphor

Semaphores and spinlocks occupy different levels in the hierarchy of locking
within VSTa. Spinlocks are at the lowest level; it is a fatal error to
sleep on a semaphore while holding a lock. Since spinlocks do not
relinquish the CPU, they have only two uses:

 - On uniprocessor systems, they disable interrupts
 - On multiprocessor systems, they coordinate low-level access to a
    shared structure.

>I don't see any "hold check" in p_lock declaration (except debug

On a multiprocessor, when you see the lock held, you spin until some other
CPU who holds the lock releases it. On a uniprocessor, if you see the lock
held, since there isn't another CPU, you can assume you have a locking bug.

>And why you don't put there (on semaphor fields) ordinary sleep-locks ?

On fields within a sema_t? A semaphore is the basic primitive for sleeping.
So the mutex to manipulate this primitive has to be non-sleeping--that is, a

Received on Thu May 21 12:39:13 1998

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