(no subject)

From: Dr_George_D_Detlefsen <drgeorge_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Oct 17 1997 - 13:44:27 PDT

Vsta 1.6 experiences

Hello Andy and Vsta Folks

So far I have installed VSTA 1.6 on two computers using the FAT filesystem
only, a 386sx-16 and a 486-25 laptop. I used a home grown TFTP server
which I can boot from a floppy to transfer the *.tz files to the
target machin from my UNIX hosts.

The GRUB booting system seems to work well although it took some

I had problems with using large FAT file systems. The VSTA 'dos' does
not seem to like FAT file systems larger than 127 mega bytes. It seems
to require 2048 byte cluster sizes. With a larger FAT file system,
the screen is cleared and 'init' cannot open '/vsta/etc/inittab'. There
is an extra screen clear which wipes out the syslog trace. One has
to have a 'fast' eye to discern that 'dos' apparently mounts the
FAT filesystem, but it does not work.

I have been unable to get the VFS filesystem to work using the directions
in the FAQ. I made an 'Extended DOS Partition" with a D: drive. I can
do the inital 'mount' and 'stat' and 'mkfs_vfs'. However the
subsiquent 'vstafs' and 'mount' commands do not complain, but
there is no file system. I can not 'cd' to it, or 'ls' it or copy a file
to it with 'cp'

Any hints.

The sx386 has a NE2000 clone ethernet card. The 'ne' server finds it
and does not report any errors. I edited '/vsta/etc/autoexec.net' to
use local ip address, hostname, and domain. The 'net' command is
run, but I cannot 'ping' the sx386 from a UNIX host or ping the UNIX

Thanks for any enlightenment.


 Dr George D Detlefsen,
 InterLinear Technology, phone: 1-(510)-522-5077
 1420 Harbor Bay Pkwy # 281 fax: 1-(510)-522-1228
 Alameda CA 94502-6556 USA email: drgeorge@ilt.com
 `All progress comes thru the work of heretics` -- Dr George
Received on Fri Oct 17 11:15:55 1997

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