Re: Interrupts arrive to fast?

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 1995 - 07:31:54 PST

[Pai-Hsiang Hsiao <shawn@iis0> writes:]

>By turning PCI setting in BIOS, use "Edge Trigger" instead of "Level Sense"
>for device interrupt sense, the problem goes away, and the driver works.

Aha, that makes perfect sense (although I didn't know that a PC user would
run into level sense interrupts). In fact, you can see a discussion of this
issue WRT the Amiga port, which has a similar interrupt issue. In that
case, the hardware's behavior could not be changed, so a very small byte
code language was loaded into the kernel when an interrupt handler was
registered. This pseudo-code did just enough to identify and clear the
interrupt; the rest of the job remained in an external task.

You can see the implementation in: src/os/mach.ami/isr.c

Running with edge triggering is definitely a better way to go, IMHO.

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Mon Dec 11 07:31:57 1995

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