From: Pai-Hsiang Hsiao <shawn_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Nov 23 1995 - 08:16:26 PST

I am trying to write several device drivers for VSTa, some of them are
PCI peripherals.

I ported the code of PCI configuration from NetBSD, and implemented as
a user level process on VSTa. Everything went fine, and I am trying to
write more serious codes.

Then, a question comes in mind. How should this routines be organized?
I think I'd best implement it as a server, just like cam and wd do.
The PCI peripherals need information on configuration then connect to
and ask the server for those they need.

Is it a good way? Yes, I can not see any problem for integrating the
routines into the kernel, but I think it's not a good way, and disobeies
the spirit of VSTa IMO.

So, the first question is, how I implement this part, as a server or a
part of kernel?

If the suggestion is the former one, then, how the information be

// Shawn
Received on Thu Nov 23 08:27:14 1995

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