Project registry

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Mon Sep 27 1993 - 17:22:06 PDT

Well, this list is quiet. I hope that doesn't mean that everyone has
abandoned VSTa. I personally believe that VSTa has great potential to
be a free 90's OS (Linux/BSD use much older technology).

Anyway, I thought that maybe people don't know what needs to be done,
so with that in mind (and if Andy doesn't disagree), I'd like to start
a project registry. The basic goals of the project registry will be:

   1) To compile a list of things that need to be done.
   2) To maintain a list of who's doing what.

Here is the current list as I see it. If you are working/want to work
on something, or if you have some other ideas, send me some email. I
plan to put out an updated list perhaps once a week.

------------------------- Project List -----+------------------------------
     TASK | WHO
VSTa file system (Non-Unix) |
Window System (Non-X11) |
Update kbd so key mappings can be downloaded| (planned)
Update wd to handle various IDE drives | ????
Shared libraries |
/proc server (for use with ps etc.) |
Debugger (using /proc??) |
Unix/Linux file systems |
Math emulator (inside kernel? server?) |
Update/expand libc (and include files) |
SCSI disk server |
Network server |
RS232c server |
Porting of applications (make, emacs, ...) |


The windowing system is coming along. The window system will be
similar in spirit to 8.5. It will comprise of 2 servers: bitblt, which
performs all graphics operations, and (vista??) which will be the
windowing system proper. vista will basically act as a multiplexer for
bitblt (it should be able to run within itself I hope). bitblt is
nearing pre-alpha. I guess it will be finished around November.
I still have to write the font handling sub-system... if anyone in
interested in helping out with bitblt, let me know. (In particular, I
need someone to port it to the VGA).
Received on Mon Sep 27 18:08:24 1993

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