Re: Shared libraries revisited

From: Peter Holzer <>
Date: Mon Aug 30 1993 - 04:25:02 PDT

You (Stuart Ritchie) wrote:
> Have you guys looked at the Sun's experimental microkernel, Spring?

I thought Spring is developed by the University of Massachusetts?
Jack Stankovic talked about it a few months ago here. He was
concentrating on real-time issues, though.

> There is a set of tech reports on it, one of them describing their
> shared library implementation: "High Performance Dynamic Linking
> Though Caching." (SMLI TR-93-15). I am a little busy to go into
> the details now, but I will quote the abstract:

Is it available by FTP somewhere?


PS: I tried to reply directly to Stuart, but the mail bounced.

|    _  | Peter J. Holzer                       | Think of it   |
| |_|_) | Technical University Vienna           | as evolution  |
| | |   | Computer Science/Real-Time Systems    | in action!    |
| __/   |                 |     Tony Rand |
Received on Mon Aug 30 04:27:30 1993

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