Re: VSTa is up and running

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Aug 30 1993 - 07:49:35 PDT

>all my troubles went away after installing my new WD 2340.

Just like cars--spend $$$'s, and all your problems go away! :-)

>Booting works like a charm and I can login as anybody in the passwd file.
>But I do have a small problem:
> I can't run any programs on the disk(eg. emacs gcc ...)
>What do I have to do to run any of this?
>Is there some kind of magic with it?

Well, it depends on your shell. For testsh and sh, you need to do
something like:

        path /vsta/bin:.

For rc, I believe it's:

        path=(/vsta/bin .)

although there's a compatibility hook, and:


will probably work too.

Note that the DOS hard disk in the default distribution is mounted
as /vsta, which means that /bin under DOS is /vsta/bin under VSTa.
The init file for rc is named "init.rc", as ".rcrc" doesn't work under
a DOS filesystem.

                                    Glad to hear you're booting!
Received on Mon Aug 30 07:56:43 1993

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