Re: Direction of VSTa

From: Alistair G. Crooks <>
Date: Mon Aug 07 1995 - 01:00:48 PDT

> >But what about Plan9. Am I right that they have a Berkeley style
> >copyright? And that they have more documentation?
> I haven't seen the Plan9 restrictions. I'd be surprised if AT&T was as
> generous as the Berkeley distribution, but you never know.

Definitely not - the distribution terms for Plan9 are that you can
only exchange source with someone who has a valid plan9 license - so
you can't even post source diffs to the 9fans mailing list, let alone
the promised comp.os.plan9 newsgroup.

More info in:

That, plus the $350 charge for plan9 on CD-ROM, have made me a bit wary.


PS. Nice work on 1.4, Andy.

Alistair G. Crooks (                	   +44 125 234 6377
Amdahl European HQ, Dogmersfield Park, Hartley Wintney, Hants RG27 8TE, UK.
[These are only my opinions, and certainly not those of Amdahl Corporation]
Received on Mon Aug 7 07:52:36 1995

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