Direction of VSTa

From: Gerd Truschinski <>
Date: Sat Aug 05 1995 - 19:20:20 PDT

Hi there,

what is the further way of VSTa?

Will there be more man pages?
Will there be Runes?
Will there be a system in the file system? I.e. source and binary
in different directories?
Will there be support for other CPUs than the Intel family?
Will there be the sources for the man system?

Ok, I have a MIPS system I want to port VSTa to. Someone has started
it, that seems to be not the problem. But there is NO documentation
that could help me. Am I right?

For now I have a FreeBSD system I edit my sources on. This is because
I need a machine I could see both, the VSTa and the FreeBSD sources on.
Then I boot VSTa on that machine (486 with an Adaptec SCSI board).
Compile my sources to a new server; CAM is his name. And after that I
boot DOS to copy the server to a boot disk for my 386SX VSTA machine.
Then I do some testing.
You see, a lot of OS is needed to do my work.
So, what I need is a VSTa machine with a graphic front end and enough
driver to support MY hardware. I.e I also have a wd8003 board. Not
a NE2000 clone.

But I don't even know how to fork a process. There is no description....

What I like? This 60xxx message while the system is booting. This seems
to tell me something about the memory requirements during the boot
process. FreeBSD systems seems to be some magnitudes bigger.

But what about Plan9. Am I right that they have a Berkeley style
copyright? And that they have more documentation?


Gerd Truschinski         | Yes, this is the sort of scenario I  | think up to amuse myself in the evenings.     | -- with confirmation from Larisa 
Received on Sun Aug 6 06:11:45 1995

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