Re: CAM and SEAgate

From: Mike A Larson <>
Date: Thu Aug 03 1995 - 05:23:54 PDT


[Gerd Truschinski <> writes:]
> Is there anyone out there who has ported another driver
> to CAM. I.e. I want to go with the FreeBSD-Elischer driver
> for the SEAgate ST01/02 boards.
> If there is no one, I will continue my porting efforts.

[Andrew Valencia <> writes:]
> The Amiga port used the driver for that controller. I'm not aware of
> another port for a PC SCSI controller.

I am about to port the linux fdomain.c (Future Domain) driver. I
would have started sooner, but I decided to do some work on
the CDFS server first (see below).

As for porting SIM level drivers, you should check out the SCSI
driver writers guide first. The URL for it is:
"" (this is
part of the VSTa hierarchy ("")
maintained by David Jeske).

From an implementation standpoint, it would be nice if, as you
port the driver, you could come up with librarys and include
files that would be useful to future porters of FreeBSD drivers.
For example, I plan to write some interface/translation routines
to help convert between CAM style calls and linux SCSI driver
entry points. It may also be necessary write some include files
that define non-VSTa/CAM data structures.

CDFS status: I'm working on adding RRIP (Rock Ridge Interchange
Protocol) to the VSTa CDFS server. This will allow cdfs to
handle long file names, POSIX-like file attributes, etc.

                                        Mike Larson
Received on Thu Aug 3 05:18:36 1995

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