From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Aug 02 1995 - 16:03:38 PDT

[Gerd Truschinski <> writes:]

>This is now the third message to the VSTa mailing list.
>Is this list (grabbing the dictionary: verstorben=deceased .. yup)
>Is this list deceased? It semms so. Earth to Earth, Bits to Bits.....

No; I just explained the latency aspect of the list.

>BTW: I just have read the papers about MGR. Why don't we use it?
>Ok, it's not on the VSTa way. But it is running. People use it.

I have been scoping the source. It's unfortunate that it's not organized
with a cleanly distinct directory holding OS-specific interfaces; perhaps
another for device-specific drivers. Still, a port did not look difficult.

FWIW, I've been busy with vstafs, and the /inet server. I'll have a source
drop towards the end of my vacation (1.5 weeks).

Received on Wed Aug 2 13:51:52 1995

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