Re: vsta - compile problems

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 1995 - 09:21:57 PDT

[ (Timothy Newsham) writes:]

> When I do a tcsetattr() on the
>modem line it also seems to affect the console.

Yes, the POSIX TTY handling is, well, simple. Remember that the POSIX TTY
handling resides entirely in the C library, and it currently makes some
simplifying assumptions.

>After using a normal fork() it seemed to
>work ok.

Since TTY state is not tabulated against different file descriptors, this is
not surprising.

>I did notice a high loss rate at 9600bps. It
>didnt work at all at 19200 or 38400.

What kind of UART? Also, you're probably running a version without the
latest round of performance work, which makes a serious difference.

For 1.4, we also get a fully preemptive kernel, which should make a BIG

>When I used the
>login program on the same serial line it seemed to work
>ok (no loss) but it only sends \r's at the end of lines
>for some commands.

More likely, it only sends \n's.

Yes, default mode is (from memory) -onlcr. I don't think onlcr is

> 'gcc: installation problem, cannot exec cpp: no entry'
> 'gcc: Program cpp got fatal signal 127.'
> 'perm'
>I can run cpp manually so I assume its just a path problem
>of some sort.

That's odd. Did you move any files around? Or change your mount table (use
the "fstab" command) in a way which would confuse where things are located?

Received on Fri Apr 28 08:28:42 1995

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