keyboard layouts

From: Calvin Clark <>
Date: Sun Apr 09 1995 - 16:30:01 PDT

I've been typing with a dvorak layout for a few years now and qwerty
gives me headaches, so I hacked the isr.c files to read dvorak. The
keyboard table is duplicated in many places. For right now I just
hard-coded the change, but it would be better to have they layout be
dynamic so that it can be changed to any arbitrary table with an
external program like Linux's "keymap" command. I don't see any
pressing reason to have a separate table for the virtual consoles, the
kernel debugger and the rs232 code, so it could be just a single
internal table. On the other hand, it might be nice to be able to
have different layouts on different virtual consoles (something Linux
doesn't support) though it might mean a bit more code. Any opinions
on the matter?

Received on Sun Apr 9 15:41:29 1995

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