From: David Jeske <jeske_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Apr 06 1995 - 20:40:32 PDT

I put togeather a WWW page for VSTa, it is available at:


If you would like to have something on the page, just email it to me
in whatever form, I'll turn it into HTML if necessary, so no HTML
knowledge is necessary.

Also, I wasn't sure what to do with the "People" list, if you would like
your name listed with or without a link, send the information to me and
I'll put it in.

Unrelated to that, as some of you may have noticed my Sun is no
longer available for ftp (genesis.isdn.uiuc.edu). It wasn't being used
for much, and I needed the money for school so I sold it...

jeske_at_uiuc.edu    + David Jeske(N9LCA)<A HREF="http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jeske/">
NeXTMail accepted + CompEng Student/NeXT Programmer/Call Gtalk at (708)998-0008
    User of Linux/NEXT/DOS/WIN/OS.2/VSTa (all coexisting on one system) </A>
Received on Thu Apr 6 19:52:05 1995

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