Re: Signal() emulation

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Thu Apr 06 1995 - 09:19:05 PDT

Andrew Valencia wrote:
> >While I am asking questions, why doesn't tfork() allow
> >passing a parameter to the new thread? Wouldn't having
> >this ability make it easier to create thread-safe code
> >(no need for a global variable to pass data to the new
> >thread, like in the implementation of rename()).
> Yes, and this actually came by the list one time. I proposed it, but the
> general response was muted so I never went ahead. I think I'll add it for
> 1.4.

I would really like to see this added :-) I didn't have an opinion on this
when the issue came up on the mailing list (Feb 94 from what I've just
seen), but I've since had a couple of instances where I'd have really liked
to be able to do this.

I guess there's a backwards compatibility issue, but maybe not that bad?

Received on Thu Apr 6 09:01:28 1995

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