re: server based auth

From: Erik Quanstrom <>
Date: Sun Mar 19 1995 - 08:41:18 PST

>> why not let the servers themselves do the authentication, a la
>> the 9p? as in the message set

>The problem would be that most servers have certain default permissions that
>allow all users to be able to see certain things (albeit usually read-only).

i don't see this as a problem as it can be solved in two ways.
1] don't do that. if you really don't mean to give everybody access
   to something, then don't. if you allow networked access to vsta
   services, then you really don't want this and it's going to be
   a bigger problem later on.
2] continue to allow read-only access to unauthenticated connections.
   but require authentication if you want to write.
Received on Sun Mar 19 08:01:05 1995

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